
Uncertainty is part of daily life. It’s the unknown of what will happen day to day. However, we can influence our future and the outcomes we hope to achieve in our lives. No one is safe from the unknown, and sometimes it can be scary, such as with what our world is going through with covid-19. To tell people to not stress or worry isn’t effective in actually easing uncertainty.

This month’s eZine is full of resources to help you with the feeling on uncertainty. Our goal is to help you feel confident during these times. Enjoy the articles, Tero Tips and a fun quiz on change.We hope it helps you find a bit of peace of mind during these times and we hope you’re all staying safe and healthy.




Featured Article:

Chapter 69 in Your Invisible Toolbox is titled, "Why is Change So Hard?" and it discusses the various types of change one might expect to experience in their lifetime. It introduces the notion that no matter the changes, welcomed or unwanted, there is an element of loss as well. Continue Reading...

Quiz (1)


Test Your Knowledge

This month's Tero quiz covers change. What does change mean for you or your business?  What are the truths and myths to change? Find out what you think you know about change by taking this true or false quiz! The results might surprise you.

Take Quiz

Quiz (2)


IOB Podcast: Dealing With Change

Tero Trainer Wayne Bruns discusses how change in our personal lives and in business. How there are many problems in life, and it doesn't always have to be hard to handle the difficulties. Join Wayne and Insight on Business host Michael Libbie by listening to this podcast.

Listen to the IOB Podcast


Want One-On-One Coaching But Can't Leave The House?

It’s a time get answers to your specific questions, learn how to communicate better, receive support in accomplishing your goals, and experience new ways to develop yourself as a leader. We are excited to soon be announcing our Virtual Coaching program to anyone and everyone. Contact Ro Crosbie at rcrosbie@tero.com for more information and be sure to look out for future announcements.


Contact Ro Crosbie For More Information On Virtual Coaching


How to Identify and Destroy Fears in the Workplace

Fear can be debilitating. Discover how you can tackle your fears in the workplace by watching this Tero Tip.

You're Going to Love Kindergarten

Listen to a snippet  of the award-winning Your Invisible Toolbox audible! Simply telling people one time about a change does not satisfactorily prepare them to the experience the change any more than announcing kindergarten in the car on the way to school.

3 Tips For Handling Massive Change

Nothing can shake someone’s confidence like change can. The ambiguity and uncertainty involved in change causes real stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety can rob us of our and how we see ourselves and how others see us if we don’t manage it.

Message From Tero International (2)

Tero International hopes you are all doing well and managing to stay healthy during these times. We understand with everything going on, you might not be taking the time to focus on yourself or your professional development. And that's okay.

But we want to make sure you know you have those resources available to you for when you're ready to start honing in, learning and improving your skills. Tero developed a resources page for professionals to enjoy while working from home or social distancing. Filled with topics we feel are relevant to the current situation we are all facing. 

Confidence in Crisis is updated daily with quizzes, articles, videos feel goods for your enjoyment. If you're not seeing a topic you wish we were discussing let us know and we will be glad to find resources critical and important to what you're facing.

Confidence in Crisis

Check Out Upcoming Tero Workshops!


We communicate all day, every day. Effective presentation skills, whether one-on-one or to groups, rank high on the lists of qualities identified for success in the workplace. Yet, in spite of the strong awareness we seem to have for the importance of presentation skills, the average person does not present well.

Join us at the Tero Learning Center

May 12-13, 2020

Learn More About Impact


Delegation and motivation are areas in which many leaders struggle. In this interactive one-day workshop you'll acquire tools that are immediately applicable to a wide range of leadership situations.

Join us at the Tero Learning Center

May 21, 2020. 

Learn More About Tapping

Register Today (1)

Tero's Outcome-Driven Selling: A Consultative Approach to Sales will help you learn to listen effectively, plan for the sales call, avoid common mistakes sales professionals make and more.

Join us at the Tero Learning Center

June 23-24, 2020

Learn More About ODS

View All Upcoming 2020 Public Tero Workshops


Tero blog (5)

Join The Tero Team This Summer

Internships available:

  • Data Analytics
  • Web Developers
  • Digital Marketers

We are looking for experienced, problem-solving, ambitious individuals to join the Tero Team this summer. If you or someone you know has knowledge and skills in Data Analytics, Web Development, or Digitial Marketing please get a hold of Kyle Plummer at kplummer@tero.com for more information.
