Coaching, once perceived as punitive, is now regarded as a tool to gain competitive advantage and sharpen the skills of individuals - especially top performers.
At Tero, we specialize in Interpersonal Skills Coaching. These are the invisible skills of interacting effectively with others across a wide range of scenarios. Highly developed interpersonal skills have never been more important.
Relating well to others is increasingly a casualty of our high-tech world. Individuals benefit most from coaching when new circumstances call for a change in the way things currently are. When success in a new situation requires a new level of polish or skill that has not been required in the past, coaching can be particularly useful.
Curious if coaching is right for you? Ready to talk to us about your goals and development needs?
Fill out the contact form and one of our Tero Team Members will connect with you personally.
Whether in-person or through a virtual meeting, we will help create an individualized coaching plan tailored just for you.
Contact us today!
For individuals who can't travel to meet with a Tero coach or prefer coaching on a virtual platform.
Tero Cards is Tero’s proprietary planning tool. They are a user-friendly, hands-on planning tool designed to help organizations and individuals accurately connect business goals to professional development.
We invite you to conduct a needs assessment/gap analysis to determine your top professional development goals. Tero Cards is a complimentary, online digital tool to assist with this.
Tero embraces a team-based approach to most coaching relationships - especially when the client's goals are complex or diverse.
Our team-based approach to coaching is unique. Most coaching relationships are between one coach and one client. The most successful sporting teams know that one single coach, no matter how skilled, is never enough. A coaching team is always more effective. That’s true in sports and it’s true in business.
A Tero Head Coach (Team Leader) is assigned to you as our Client. This individual is responsible for carrying out a needs assessment and gap analysis. This individual is also responsible for developing the coaching plan and for choosing the members of the Tero Coaching Team to best serve you. The Tero Head Coach is with you throughout your entire coaching relationship.
A coaching team guarantees that you benefit from greater subject matter expertise. Each Tero coach brings their own unique specialties, certifications and experience to the coaching relationship. Since the range of goals identified by clients may be diverse, a single coach cannot be, and is not expected to be, an expert in every area. You will usually interact with at least three, and frequently more members of the Tero team, throughout your coaching plan.
When a group of people share a common development objective, a training workshop is an excellent way to acquire skills and knowledge. What if the development goals are unique or highly individual? One-on-one coaching is a better fit. Tero's Coaching Programs are designed to provide a customized development experience for an individual. Coaching clients work together with their Tero coach to set goals and develop essential skills and knowledge for success.
Most people who fail at work don't fail due to a lack of technical skills. Research shows that 85% of professional success for all levels is related to interpersonal skills. Similarly, most strategic initiatives that fail, do not fail because of a poor strategy. It is the inability to relate well to others. These are the skills that characterize all Tero coaching relationships. Whether you are newly entering the professional world, hoping to get that promotion, or are a current CEO, coaching is for all levels of development.
According to surveys conducted by the International Coaching Federation, 98.5% of clients are satisfied with their coach and 83% of clients stay with their coach over three months, with an average working period of six months.
Additionally, a survey of 100 executives, mostly from Fortune 1000 companies concluded that a company's investment in providing coaching for executives realized an average return on investment of almost six times the cost of the coaching.
Not sure what your professional development priorities are at the moment? We invite you to conduct a needs assessment/gap analysis to determine your top professional development goals.
Discover your needs by using our complimentary, online digital Tero Cards tool to assist with this.
Choosing the right coach is one of the most important decisions you can make. Read this cautionary article about confidentiality, discretion and ethics before making a choice.