Message From Tero International (1)

A message regarding Covid-19 and Tero International from Tero's President, Rowena Crosbie.

Click here to read Tero's Update.

Scroll down to find free professional development resources to gain Confidence in Crisis. 



What to do next?

Tero International Learning Specialist Liz Cooney, is available to help you reschedule or answer your questions. Feel free to reach out to her to do so. You can email her at or by phone (515) 221-2318 (ext. 205)

Contact Liz Cooney, Tero International Learning Specialist

Tero blog (2)

How To Motivate Your Employees

Now more than ever is there a need to motivate your employees. Your environment to motivate might be different right now.

These skills are still useful to creating a highly productive team in any situation.


Virtual Realities

Virtual Realities 

by Deborah Rinner

When technology and distance are the two terms we think of when we think of our team environment, chances are we are only meeting virtually. How does a virtual team differ in its experience from a team that meets face to face?

Continue reading...

How To Boost Confidence

Ready to talk about confidence? How do you boost your confidence? Watch to learn how to INSTANTLY boost you confidence with these three tips!
Tero blog


Some Helpful Tips on Working From Home

by Deborah Rinner, VP, Chief Learning Officer

Lelia Gowland in an article entitled “Coronavirus Have You Working Remotely? Five Tips for Working From Home” shares some essentials to get the most out of working remotely. CONTINUE READING.



Listen to the first chapter of Your Invisible Toolbox , and listen to a story of two strangers and the impact they made on each other. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please share with us your thoughts or a small act of kindness you've recently done. 

Rowena Crosbie Tero International, President


Pop quiz

Pop Quiz:  What do the following inspirational quotes have in common?

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

-   Henry Ford

 “We must meet the challenge rather than wish it were not before us.”

-        William J. Brennan, Jr.

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”

-        Bernice Johnson Reagon

“If you are going through hell, keep going.”

-        Winston Churchill

“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”

-        Franklin D. Roosevelt

“No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse.”

-        Randy Pausch

 “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.”

-        Duke Ellington

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

-        Martin Luther King, Jr.

What do all these inspiring quotations have in common?  They all demand that we approach challenge and stress with awareness.  They remind us to recognize what we’re facing and realize that we can choose our response.  This is challenging since most of us operate by unconscious habit most of the time.

How do you handle stressful situations?  Do you rise to the occasion?  Do you fall prey to your natural and primitive stress programming of Fight, Flight or Freeze?  Watch this short video and challenge yourself to bring the best of yourself to both your professional and personal life during this time of crisis.  As Dr. King said, where we stand at times of challenge is the ultimate measure of us.

Fight, Flight Or Freeze: Workplace Stress Tips

Silver Lining Feel Good Moments


Ask Tero

Life and work are little crazy right now. And Tero is trying to put together resources for you during this time. Please share what you would like to  know more about to help you as professional while you're working from home, social distancing in the office and having to find new ways to run your business.


What issues are you dealing with as an individual or leader while managing covid-19? Are there professional resources you are needing at this time to continue your professional development? What tips would you like to know about working from home? Let us know!

Ask Your Questions

Tero Kidz Zone

Parents and Guardians,

We understand that with schools being closed and many of you having to work from home. Kids shouldn't be missing the opportunity to learn and grow, just like you as parents shouldn't miss the opportunity to learn and grow as professionals. Much of what Tero teaches is also critical for young kids and teenagers to learn as well. We've developed an area on our website full of resources for kids to learn and grow from while at home the next few weeks. 

Visit Kidz Zone

Missed a Day of Development?

Catch up on the archived days, to make sure your professional development doesn't suffer while social distancing!


March 19, 2020 Resources

March 20, 2020 Resources

March 21, 2020 Resources

March 22, 2020 Resources

March 23, 2020 Resources

March 24, 2020 Resources