A message regarding Covid-19 and Tero International from Tero's President, Rowena Crosbie.
Click here to read Tero's Update.
Scroll down to find free professional development resources to gain Confidence in Crisis.
Currently working remotely from everyone on your team? Watch this Tero Tip to learn how you can make sure there is trust between all the members on the team.
Professional Polish Tip from Tero Trainer Carlos Alvarez
Staying late and working long hours is becoming standard protocol for many organizations. Dan asks "Is this something I should just learn to accept?"
The #1 Biggest Misconception About Handling Change.
All changes, both positive and negative begin with a loss. Discover the best practice to handling change with this Tero Tip!by Deborah Rinner, VP, Chief Learning Officer
Enjoy chapter 57 of Your Invisible Toolbox.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please share with us your thoughts or a small act of kindness you've recently done.
Rowena Crosbie Tero International, President
Can You Get These True or False Questions Right?
Customer Service in a Crisis Quiz
Have Your Answers Ready?
Life and work are little crazy right now. And Tero is trying to put together resources for you during this time. Please share what you would like to know more about to help you as professional while you're working from home, social distancing in the office and having to find new ways to run your business.
What issues are you dealing with as an individual or leader while managing covid-19? Are there professional resources you are needing at this time to continue your professional development? What tips would you like to know about working from home? Let us know!
We understand that with schools being closed and many of you having to work from home. Kids shouldn't be missing the opportunity to learn and grow, just like you as parents shouldn't miss the opportunity to learn and grow as professionals. Much of what Tero teaches is also critical for young kids and teenagers to learn as well. We've developed an area on our website full of resources for kids to learn and grow from while at home the next few weeks.
Since 1993, Tero International has earned a distinguished reputation as a premier interpersonal skills research and corporate training company. Professionals from locations around the world are graduates of Tero's workshops and hundreds of leaders turn to Tero for their executive coaching services.